This is part 1 of the Easy Creative Business Planning series.
"Do what you love and the money will follow," is never more true than when it comes to a side hustle. And it's especially true for those who love to code or design or create beautiful handmade items.
And isn’t it common sense that if you enjoy what you do, you’ll WANT to get to work right away when you wake up? Whereas if you’re trying to force a side hustle out of something you hate, you’ll find yourself procrastinating and not doing your best, which certainly won’t win you any clients.
So, it’s time to brainstorm. Don’t allow yourself to edit your list; that will come later.
For now, you should sit and just write down any and all ideas that come to mind of things you’d love to get paid for. You have the choice to do a massive brain dump, where every idea gets thrown onto the page to be sorted later; or you can split up your ideas into categories, such as hobbies, or tasks you do at your current job.
In the end, it doesn’t matter what your brainstorming list looks like; it’s much more important that you take the time to explore these ideas and dream BIG!
Side Hustle Brainstorm Journal Prompts
Things I LOVE doing
Things I HATE doing
What I LOVE about my job (current or one you've had in the past)
What I HATE about my job.
What am I good at doing? If you can't see your skills objectively, ask your friends and family.
What are my WEAKNESSES? Don't let this be an excuse to be harsh with yourself; we can't be great at everything!
What are some companies or brands that I admire?
Who are some individuals I admire?
What products do I love?
Can I create something similar or an accessory to the product?
Can I make those products better?
In the end, it doesn’t matter what your brainstorming list looks like; it’s much more important that you take the time to explore these ideas and dream BIG!
Read part two of the series here.